*English Version down below*
24.07.1996 (GB) (ORG 24.07.1996)
Australian Shepherd
Oprindelsesland: USA
Hyrdehund på farm og ranch.
FCI Gruppe 1 (Hyrde- og kvæghunde undtagen Schweizer Sennenhunde),
Sektion 1 (Fårehunde) Uden brugsprøve.
Selv om der er mange teorier om Australian Shepherd's oprindelse, er racen - som vi kender den i dag - udviklet udelukkende i USA. Racen fik sit navn på grund af forbindelsen til de baskiske fårehyrder, som kom til USA fra Australien i 1800-tallet. Australian Shepherd's popularitet voksede støt med den store interesse for "Western Horseback Riding", som efter 2. Verdenskrig blev gjort vidt bekendt gennem rodeo- opvisninger, heste-shows, film og TV-shows. Deres medfødte alsidighed og lærenemhed gjorde dem værdifulde for amerikanske farmere og ranchejere.
De amerikanske opdrættere fortsatte racens udvikling og bevarede dens alsidighed, gode intelligens og stærke hyrde-instinkt samt det iøjnefaldende udseende, der fra først af gjorde den så beundret. Selv om hver eneste Australian Shepherd er unik hvad angår farve og aftegninger, har de alle en uovertruffen hengivenhed over for deres familie. Deres mange gode sider har sikret dem varig popularitet.
Australian Shepherd er helt harmonisk, en smule længere end høj, middel af størrelse og knoglekraft, med farver, der gør de enkelte hunde både forskellige og individuelle. Den er opmærksom og livlig, smidig og adræt, solid og muskuløs uden at virke groft bygget. Dens pels er moderat af længde og grovhed. Halen er kuperet eller medfødt stumphale. (NB! Kupering er forbudt i Danmark).
Målt fra brystbenet til baglåret og fra mankens øverste punkt til jorden er Australian Shepherd en smule længere end høj. Solidt bygget med moderat knoglekraft. Hannens bygning afspejler maskulinitet uden grovhed. Tæverne virker feminine uden at være spinkle.
Australian Shepherd er en intelligent brugshund med stærke hyrde- og vogterinstinkter. Den er en loyal ledsager og har styrke og udholdenhed til at arbejde dagen lang. Den er ligevægtig og godmodig, sjældent stridbar. Den kan være lidt reserveret over for nye bekendtskaber. Enhver tendens til skyhed, frygtsomhed eller aggressivitet skal bedømmes hårdt.
Med rene linier, kraftigt og tørt. Størrelsen skal være proportioneret efter kroppen.
Med flad eller ganske let hvælvet overside. Der kan være en let nakkeknude. Skallen maler det samme i længde og bredde.
Moderat, men veldefineret.
Blue merle og sorte hunde har sort pigmentering på næse (og læber). Red merle og røde har leverfarvet (brun) pigmentering på næse (og læber). Hos merle hunde tillades små, kødfarvede pletter, men de bør dog ikke dække over 25% af næsen hos hunde over 1 ar, hvad der anses for en alvorlig fejl.
Af længde som skallen eller en smule kortere. Set fra siden er skallens og næsepartiets overlinier parallelle, adskilt af et moderat, men veldefineret stop. Næsepartiet bliver kun lidt smallere fra basis mod næsen og er afrundet ved spidsen.
Tænder, bid:
Et fuldtalligt tandsæt med stærke, hvide tænder. Biddet bør være saksebid, men kan være tangbid.
Brune, blå, ravfarvede eller enhver variation eller kombination heraf, indbefattet plettede og marmorerede. De er mandelformede og hverken udstående eller dybtliggende. Blue merle og sorte hunde har sort pigmenterede øjenrande. Red merle og røde har leverfarvet (brunt) pigmenterede øjenrande. Udtrykket er opmærksomt og intelligent, vågent og ivrigt. Blikket skal være intenst, men venligt.
Trekantede, af moderat størrelse og tykkelse, ansat højt på hovedet. Når hunden er fuldt opmærksom, bøjer de fremover og kipper, eller til siden som rosenører. Stå- og hængeører er alvorlige fejl.
Stærk, af moderat længde, let buet ved hovedet og vel indpasset i skulderpartiet.
Overlinie Ryggen lige og stærk, vandret og fast fra manke til hofteled.
Moderat hældende.
Ikke bredt, men dybt, så dets nederste punkt når albuen.
Godt hvælvede og lange. Hverken tøndeformet eller fladribbet bryst.
Moderat optrukken bug.
Lige, kuperet eller medfødt stumphale, ikke over 10 cm lang. (NB! Kupering er forbudt i Danmark).
Lange og flade skulderblade, der når ret tæt sammen ved manken og er godt tilbagelagte. Overarmen, der har nogenlunde samme længde som skulderbladet, danner en tilnærmelsesvis ret vinkel med skulder-linien, og forbenene går lige og lodret til jorden.
Lige og stærke. Knoglerne stærke, med mere ovalt end rundt tværsnit.
Middellang og meget let skråtstillet. Forreste vildtkløer kan fjernes. (ikke tilladt i Danmark).
Ovale, kompakte med tæt sluttede og godt hvælvede tæer. Tykke og robuste trædepuder.
Bagparten har samme bredde som forparten ved skulderpartiet. Vinklen mellem bækken og overlår svarer til vinklen mellem skulderblad og overarm og danner en tilnærmelsesvis ret vinkel.
Tydeligt markeret.
Moderat vinklet.
Korte, stillet lodret mod jorden og parallelle set bagfra. Vildtkløer skal være fjernet. (NB! Ikke tilladt i Danmark).
Ovale, kompakte med tæt sluttede og godt hvælvede tæer. Tykke og robuste trædepuder.
Australian Shepherd har en flydende, fri og let bevægelse. Den demonstrerer stor adræthed i bevægelsen med helt harmoniske og jordvindende, lange skridt. For- og bagben bevæges lige og parallelt med kroppens midterlinie. Efterhånden som farten øges, vil poterne (bade for og bag) nærme sig bevægelsens midterlinie, alt imens ryggen forbliver fast og lige. En Australian Shepherd skal være adræt og smidig og i stand til lynhurtigt at ændre retning eller gangart.
Af middel struktur, lige til bølget, vejrbeskyttende og middellang. Underulden varierer i mængde med forskelle i klimaet. Hårlaget er kort og glat på hoved og ører, på forsiden af forbenene og neden for haseleddet. Forbenenes bagside og bukserne har moderate frynser. Der findes en moderat manke og brystpels, mere udtalt hos hanner end tæver. Utypisk pels er en alvorlig fejl.
Blue merle, sort, red merle og rød - alle med eller uden hvide aftegninger og/eller tan- eller kobberfarvede småpletter, uden at nogen bestemt farve eller kombination foretrækkes. Begrænsningen af en hvid halskrave må ved huden ikke nå bag manken, Hvidt accepteres på halsen (som partiel eller fuld halskrave), på bryst, ben og det nederste af næsepartiet, som blis på hovedet og som en fortsættelse af det hvide fra kroppens underside op til 10 cm målt fra en vandret linie ved albuen. Hvidt i hovedet må ikke være dominerende, og øjnene skal være helt omgivet af farve og pigment. Merle hunde bliver typisk mørkere med alderen.
Den foretrukne skulderhøjde for hanner er 51-58 cm, for tæver 46-53 cm. Kvalitet må ikke ofres til fordel for størrelse. Fejl: Enhver afvigelse fra de foregående punkter betragtes som en fejl, hvis betydning for bedømmelsen skal stå i nøje forhold til afvigelsens omfang.
Diskvalificerende fejl:
Underbid eller overbid større end 1/8 inch (3 mm). Manglende kontakt i biddet på grund af, at de midterste fortænder er korte, bedømmes ikke som underbid, når biddet i øvrigt er korrekt, Tænder, der er knækkede eller mangler efter en skade, påvirker ikke bedømmelsen. Hvide pletter på kroppen, dvs. hvidt på kroppen mellem manke og hale - på siderne mellem albuer og baglår - gældende for alle pelsfarver.
Hanhunde skal have to normalt udviklede testikler i pungen.Standarden udgivet af FCI 14 JULI 1996
Oversættelsen godkendt af DKKs Standard Komité
NB! Denne udgave erstatter standard udsendt af DKK i December 1996
The breed standard for Australian Shepherds (AKC)
General Appearance:
The Australian Shepherd is an intelligent working dog of strong herding and guarding instincts. He is a loyal companion and has the stamina to work all day. He is well balanced, slightly longer than tall, of medium size and bone, with coloring that offers variety and individuality. He is attentive and animated, lithe and agile, solid and muscular without cloddiness. He has a coat of moderate length and coarseness. He has a docked or natural bobbed tail.
Proportion, Substance, SizeThe preferred height for males is 20-23 inches, females 18-21 inches. Quality is not to be sacrificed in favor of size.
-Measuring from the breastbone to rear of thigh and from top of the withers to the ground the Australian Shepherd is slightly longer than tall. Substance-Solidly built with moderate bone. Structure in the male reflects masculinity without coarseness. Bitches appear feminine without being slight of bone.
The Head is clean cut, strong and dry. Overall size should be in proportion to the body. The muzzle is equal in length or slightly shorter than the back skull. Viewed from the side the topline of the back skull and muzzle form parallel planes, divided by a moderate, well-defined stop. The muzzle tapers little from base to nose and is rounded at the tip.
-Showing attentiveness and intelligence, alert and eager. Gaze should be keen but friendly. Eyes are brown, blue, amber or any variation or combination thereof, including flecks and marbling. Almond shaped, not protruding nor sunken. The blue merles and blacks have black pigmentation on eye rims. The red merles and reds have liver (brown) pigmentation on eye rims.
are triangular, of moderate size and leather, set high on the head. At full attention they break forward and over, or to the side as a rose ear. Prick ears and hanging ears are severe faults.
-Top flat to slightly domed. It may show a slight occipital protuberance. Length and width are equal. Moderate well-defined stop. Muzzle tapers little from base to nose and is rounded at the tip.
Nose -Blue merles and blacks have black pigmentation on the nose (and lips). Red merles and reds have liver (brown) pigmentation on the nose (and lips). On the merles it is permissible to have small pink spots; however, they should not exceed 25% of the nose on dogs over one year of age, which is a serious fault.
-A full complement of strong white teeth should meet in a scissors bite or may meet in a level bite.
-Undershot. Overshot greater than 1/8 inch. Loss of contact caused by short center incisors in an otherwise correct bite shall not be judged undershot. Teeth broken or missing by accident shall not be penalized. Neck, Topline, BodyNeck is strong, of moderate length, slightly arched at the crest, fitting well into the shoulders.
-Back is straight and strong, level and firm from withers to hip joints. The croup is moderately sloped. Chest is not broad but is deep with the lowest point reaching the elbow. The ribs are well sprung and long, neither barrel chested nor slab-sided. The underline shows a moderate tuck-up. Tail is straight, docked or naturally bobbed, not to exceed four inches in length (Note: Forbidden to dock in Denmark).
-Shoulder blades are long, flat, fairly close set at the withers and well laid back. The upper arm, which should be relatively the same length as the shoulder blade, attaches at an approximate right angle to the shoulder line with forelegs dropping straight, perpendicular to the ground. Legs straight and strong. Bone is strong, oval rather than round. Pastern is medium length and very slightly sloped. Front dewclaws may be removed.
are oval, compact with close knit, well arched toes. Pads are thick and resilient. HindquartersThe width of the hindquarters is equal to the width of the forequarters at the shoulders. The angulation of the pelvis and upper thigh corresponds to the angulation of the shoulder blade and upper arm, forming an approximate right angle. Stifles are clearly defined, hock joints moderately bent. The hocks are short, perpendicular to the ground and parallel to each other when viewed from the rear. Rear dewclaws must be removed. Feet are oval, compact with close knit, well arched toes. Pads are thick and resilient.
is of medium texture, straight to wavy, weather resistant and of medium length. The undercoat varies in quantity with variations in climate. Hair is short and smooth on the head, ears, front of forelegs and below the hocks. Backs of forelegs and britches are moderately feathered. There is a moderate mane and frill, more pronounced in dogs than in bitches. Non-typical coats are severe faults. ColorBlue merle, black, red merle, red-all with or without white markings and/or tan (copper) points, with no order of preference. The hairline of a white collar does not exceed the point of the withers at the skin. White is acceptable on the neck (either in part or as a full collar), chest, legs, muzzle underparts, blaze on head and white extension from underpart up to four inches, measuring from a horizontal line at the elbow. White on the head should not predominate, and the eyes must be fully surrounded by color and pigment. Merles characteristically become darker with increasing age.
-White body splashes, which means white on body between withers and tail, on sides between elbows and back of hindquarters in all colors. GaitThe Australian Shepherd has a smooth, free and easy gait. He exhibits great agility of movement with a well-balanced, ground covering stride. Fore and hind legs move straight and parallel with the center line of the body. As speed increases, the feet (front and rear) converge toward the center line of gravity of the dog while the back remains firm and level. The Australian Shepherd must be agile and able to change direction or alter gait instantly. TemperamentThe Australian Shepherd is an intelligent, active dog with an even disposition; he is good natured, seldom quarrelsome. He may be somewhat reserved in initial meetings.
-Any display of shyness, fear or aggression is to be severely penalized. DisqualificationsUndershot. Overshot greater than 1/8 inch. White body splashes, which means white on body between withers and tail, on sides between elbows and back of hindquarters in all colors.
Approved May 14, 1991
Effective January 1, 1993
Copyright: American Kennel Club
- The Australian Shepherd probably originated in the Basque region of the Pyrenees, mountains between Spain and France, but was dubbed the Australian Shepherd because of its association with Basque shepherds who came into the United States from Australia in the 1800s.
- The Australian Shepherd was initially called by many names, including Spanish Shepherds, Pastor Dogs, Bob-Tails, Blues, Heelers, New Mexican Shepherds and California Shepherds.
- In 1989, The Australian National Kennel Club granted permission for the Australian Shepherd Club of America (ASCA) to use the name "Australian Shepherd" so long as it was always made clear the breed had not been developed in Australia.
- The Australian Shepherd is an intelligent dog with strong herding and guarding instincts.
- He is an agile dog who has the stamina to work all day.
- One distinguishing characteristic of the Australian Shepherd is its tail, which is usually a naturally bobbed tail or it may be docked (Note: Forbidden to dock in Denmark).
- The Australian Shepherd is an intelligent, active dog who requires regular exercise.
- He is good natured and even tempered, although he may be initially shy with strangers. He makes a loyal companion.
General Appearance:
The Australian Shepherd is an intelligent working dog of strong herding and guarding instincts. He is a loyal companion and has the stamina to work all day. He is well balanced, slightly longer than tall, of medium size and bone, with coloring that offers variety and individuality. He is attentive and animated, lithe and agile, solid and muscular without cloddiness. He has a coat of moderate length and coarseness. He has a docked or natural bobbed tail.
Proportion, Substance, SizeThe preferred height for males is 20-23 inches, females 18-21 inches. Quality is not to be sacrificed in favor of size.
-Measuring from the breastbone to rear of thigh and from top of the withers to the ground the Australian Shepherd is slightly longer than tall. Substance-Solidly built with moderate bone. Structure in the male reflects masculinity without coarseness. Bitches appear feminine without being slight of bone.
The Head is clean cut, strong and dry. Overall size should be in proportion to the body. The muzzle is equal in length or slightly shorter than the back skull. Viewed from the side the topline of the back skull and muzzle form parallel planes, divided by a moderate, well-defined stop. The muzzle tapers little from base to nose and is rounded at the tip.
-Showing attentiveness and intelligence, alert and eager. Gaze should be keen but friendly. Eyes are brown, blue, amber or any variation or combination thereof, including flecks and marbling. Almond shaped, not protruding nor sunken. The blue merles and blacks have black pigmentation on eye rims. The red merles and reds have liver (brown) pigmentation on eye rims.
are triangular, of moderate size and leather, set high on the head. At full attention they break forward and over, or to the side as a rose ear. Prick ears and hanging ears are severe faults.
-Top flat to slightly domed. It may show a slight occipital protuberance. Length and width are equal. Moderate well-defined stop. Muzzle tapers little from base to nose and is rounded at the tip.
Nose -Blue merles and blacks have black pigmentation on the nose (and lips). Red merles and reds have liver (brown) pigmentation on the nose (and lips). On the merles it is permissible to have small pink spots; however, they should not exceed 25% of the nose on dogs over one year of age, which is a serious fault.
-A full complement of strong white teeth should meet in a scissors bite or may meet in a level bite.
-Undershot. Overshot greater than 1/8 inch. Loss of contact caused by short center incisors in an otherwise correct bite shall not be judged undershot. Teeth broken or missing by accident shall not be penalized. Neck, Topline, BodyNeck is strong, of moderate length, slightly arched at the crest, fitting well into the shoulders.
-Back is straight and strong, level and firm from withers to hip joints. The croup is moderately sloped. Chest is not broad but is deep with the lowest point reaching the elbow. The ribs are well sprung and long, neither barrel chested nor slab-sided. The underline shows a moderate tuck-up. Tail is straight, docked or naturally bobbed, not to exceed four inches in length (Note: Forbidden to dock in Denmark).
-Shoulder blades are long, flat, fairly close set at the withers and well laid back. The upper arm, which should be relatively the same length as the shoulder blade, attaches at an approximate right angle to the shoulder line with forelegs dropping straight, perpendicular to the ground. Legs straight and strong. Bone is strong, oval rather than round. Pastern is medium length and very slightly sloped. Front dewclaws may be removed.
are oval, compact with close knit, well arched toes. Pads are thick and resilient. HindquartersThe width of the hindquarters is equal to the width of the forequarters at the shoulders. The angulation of the pelvis and upper thigh corresponds to the angulation of the shoulder blade and upper arm, forming an approximate right angle. Stifles are clearly defined, hock joints moderately bent. The hocks are short, perpendicular to the ground and parallel to each other when viewed from the rear. Rear dewclaws must be removed. Feet are oval, compact with close knit, well arched toes. Pads are thick and resilient.
is of medium texture, straight to wavy, weather resistant and of medium length. The undercoat varies in quantity with variations in climate. Hair is short and smooth on the head, ears, front of forelegs and below the hocks. Backs of forelegs and britches are moderately feathered. There is a moderate mane and frill, more pronounced in dogs than in bitches. Non-typical coats are severe faults. ColorBlue merle, black, red merle, red-all with or without white markings and/or tan (copper) points, with no order of preference. The hairline of a white collar does not exceed the point of the withers at the skin. White is acceptable on the neck (either in part or as a full collar), chest, legs, muzzle underparts, blaze on head and white extension from underpart up to four inches, measuring from a horizontal line at the elbow. White on the head should not predominate, and the eyes must be fully surrounded by color and pigment. Merles characteristically become darker with increasing age.
-White body splashes, which means white on body between withers and tail, on sides between elbows and back of hindquarters in all colors. GaitThe Australian Shepherd has a smooth, free and easy gait. He exhibits great agility of movement with a well-balanced, ground covering stride. Fore and hind legs move straight and parallel with the center line of the body. As speed increases, the feet (front and rear) converge toward the center line of gravity of the dog while the back remains firm and level. The Australian Shepherd must be agile and able to change direction or alter gait instantly. TemperamentThe Australian Shepherd is an intelligent, active dog with an even disposition; he is good natured, seldom quarrelsome. He may be somewhat reserved in initial meetings.
-Any display of shyness, fear or aggression is to be severely penalized. DisqualificationsUndershot. Overshot greater than 1/8 inch. White body splashes, which means white on body between withers and tail, on sides between elbows and back of hindquarters in all colors.
Approved May 14, 1991
Effective January 1, 1993
Copyright: American Kennel Club